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IWC watch purchase– selling to the best price

In the Who’s Who of the swiss watch makers, IWC (International Watch Company) is one of the most popular. And that is not really spectacular. Since the 19th century, the noble manufactory of Schaffhausen is the metaphor for complicated luxury watches at highest quality. This is to recognize with the prices of the used IWC watches: they are on a very high level since decades, which makes the IWC purchase to a profitable business. If you want to sell your IWC watch, you should definitely trust into an expert like MIQUEL WATCHES. At MIQUEL WATCHES your IWC timepiece gets valued fair and transparently – and for a collectable example you will of course get the IWC best price.

IWC Uhren Ankauf bei UHREN MIQUEL

Wer IWC Uhren verkaufen möchte, bekommt bei UHREN MIQUEL einen sensationellen Service geboten. Dank unseres immensen Erfahrungsschatzes auf dem Gebiet gebrauchter Luxuszeitmesser sind wir beim IWC Uhren Ankauf dazu in der Lage, schnell und zuverlässig einen realistischen Ankaufspreis zu ermitteln. Dabei erfolgt unsere Expertise natürlich kostenlos. Als Verkäufer gehen Sie dabei keinerlei Verbindlichkeiten ein. Gerne nehmen wir Ihre gebrauchte Uhr auch in Zahlung und beraten Sie kompetent beim Kauf eines neuen Luxuszeitmessers aus unserem Assortiment. Gute Konditionen und ein Geschäftsgebaren auf Augenhöhe sind die Stärken, mit denen wir unsere Kunden seit über 25 Jahren rundum zufriedenstellen.

IWC Uhren Ankauf per Ankaufsformular

Bei UHREN MIQUEL funktioniert der IWC Uhren Ankauf denkbar einfach. Sollte es Ihnen nicht möglich sein, Ihren Zeitmesser in unserem Ladengeschäft bewerten zu lassen, können Sie dafür natürlich auch unser professionelles Ankaufsformular nutzen. Sobald die Beschreibung Ihrer Uhr bei uns eingeht, erhalten Sie im Handumdrehen eine verbindliche Offerte von uns. Gerne lassen wir Ihre IWC auch per Kurier bei Ihnen abholen, falls Sie dies wünschen. Und den Kaufpreis bezahlen wir anschließend mittels Blitzüberweisung auf Ihr Konto! 

The online luxury watches purchase – this is how it works:

If you have decided to get your used or new IWC watch purchased, you prepare at UHREN MIQUEL with filling in the online form. In this form all worth data to your IWC watch are needed. In addition to these data you can add some pictures of your IWC Aquatimer, or the model you want to get purchased.

Next, you will get an email with the value of your IWC watch. If this offer is okay to you, a very fast and competent completion of the purchase of your IWC watch will follow.

Now you can decide between three different options to get your watch to UHREN MIQUEL:

      • You decide to visit our local store
      • You choose the insured shipping
      • You tell us your desired date when you want to get picked up your watch at your house to be shipped insured to us

      As soon as we got your watch in our house, we compare the data of your watch with the ones you told us in the online form. We check the clock work and equally look for some cosmetically abnormalities, like scratches or similar. .

      If your given information in the filled in online form are similar with the actual condition of your IWC watch, we will write a purchase receipt, which you will get immediately per email.

      Now you just have to signature the purchase receipt and send it back to us. After receiving the receipt you will get a fast transfer of the agreed sum to your bank account.

      In very rare cases a purchase of the luxury watch does not occurrence – but even that is not a problem. Our prestigious house sends you your IWC watch back, of course we pay the insured shipping for you in this very rare case..


      When you have any questions, please contact us +49 92 68/ 91 38 64 or just leave us a message on

      But you can also write us with our non-binding purchase form

Frank Miquel
It goes without saying that anyone ordering a high-quality product from an online shop needs to able to place absolute trust in the operator of the website. Hence, you may rest assured - my long-standing employees and myself are happy to be at your disposal - by email, telephone or on site in our premises. My team is readily available to our customers at all stages of a purchase, prior and especially also after a purchase. Please do not hesitate to ask us and get all your questions answered before placing an order. We have been looking forward to serving our customers this way for almost 30 years.
We look forward to your call at: +49 9268/913864
Or in writing by e-mail to: