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Panerai Submersible Ankauf – schnell & unkompliziert

Uhrenhersteller gibt es wie den redensartlichen Sand am Meer. Doch nur wenige Marken können sich damit rühmen, offizielle Einsatzuhren für Spezialkräfte gebaut zu haben wie die florentinische Ausnahmemanufaktur Officine Panerai. Jahrzehntelang vertrauten die Elitekampfschwimmer der italienischen Marine („Gruppo Gamma“) auf Zeitmesser von Panerai. Dadurch wurde das Image der Marke nachhaltig geprägt. Nach wie vor ist Panerai das Sinnbild für Uhren, die selbst unter Extrembedingungen zuverlässig funktionieren. Wie beliebt die Marke noch immer ist, lässt sich anhand von Gebrauchtpreisen rasch eruieren. Diese bewegen sich seit Jahrzehnten auf konstant hohem Niveau. Nicht zuletzt deswegen ist ein Panerai Submersible Ankauf in der Regel ein durchaus einträgliches Geschäft. Wer seine Panerai Submersible verkaufen möchte, sollte dabei jedoch nichts dem Zufall überlassen, sondern auf einen Profi wie UHREN MIQUEL vertrauen. 

Panerai Submersible Ankauf bei UHREN MIQUEL

Wir von UHREN MIQUEL sind natürlich große Fans der Marke Panerai. Und als solche sind wir bestens mit ihrer reichen Historie vertraut. Zudem sind wir versierte Experten, die seit mehr als 25 Jahren auf den Ankauf von Luxusuhren spezialisiert sind. Unser gewaltiger Erfahrungsschatz ermöglicht es uns beim Panerai Submersible Ankauf, schnell und zuverlässig den korrekten Marktpreis für Ihre Uhr zu ermitteln. Wenn auch Sie Ihre Panerai Submersible verkaufen möchten, sind Sie bei UHREN MIQUEL definitiv an der richtigen Adresse: Wir bewerten Ihre Uhr fair und transparent, und für besonders gefragte Referenzen zahlen wir Ihnen natürlich auch einen Panerai Submersible Bestpreis.

Panerai Submersible purchase at MIQUEL WATCHES

We from UHREN MIQUEL are of course big fans of Panerai. This brings with it, that we know well its long history. In addition, we are experts who are specialized in the purchase of luxury watches for 25 years. Our great expertise allows us to find our very quickly and reliable the correct market price for your Panerai Submersible. If you also want to sell your Panerai Submersible you are definitely right at MIQUEL WATCHES: we get your watch valued quick and reliable, for special asked references, we of course pay the Panerai Submersible best price.

Panerai Submersible purchase with the purchase form

The easiest way to start a Panerai Submersible purchase is to use the purchase for offered by MIQUEL WATCHES. With its help you can give us within a few minutes a detailed description of your timepiece. Very quickly, we will find out the realistic market price for your watch and will make you an offer. If you will accept it, you do not need to do anything further. A currier will pick-up your watch and the purchase price will be paid via bank transfer.

Watch purchase of luxury watches – this is how it works

UHREN MIQUEL offers you different options to initiate the watch purchase

Visit us in our store or choose the option of the shipping from home. Should you prefer to send the watch, you can decide whether you want to send the Rolex watch insured to us or you tell us your desired day on which the Rolex is picked up at your home with insured shipping. In particular, the last option is not only definitely safe but also comfortable.

After receiving your Rolex watch at UHREN MIQUEL, our very experienced and trained employees will take care of your luxury watch. We promise you a fast service and an uncomplicated completion.

This is how the online luxury watch purchase works

The first step preparing your watch for selling is to fill in the online form of UHREN MIQUEL. Just fill in the data of your Rolex watch. Up to you, you can add some photos of your watch, this will speed up the evaluation process.

As soon as your data arrive us, we give our best to write you an email with a non-binding offer as fast as possible. If you like our offer, an even fast as easy purchase of your Rolex watch is following.

How you let come your Rolex to us, you can decide for yourself. You have three options to do so:

      • You decide to visit us at our store and bring your Rolex with you.
      • You decide to send your Rolex insured to our house.
      • You tell us your desired day when it is possible for you to let pick up your Rolex at your home so it will us arrive insured

      At UHREN MIQUEL the data if the Rolex will be compared with the ones you filled in the online purchase form. For example, we check the Rolex watch clockwork functionality but also the cosmetic abnormalities, like scratches and similar. If we are ready regarding your watch, we write a purchase receipt immediately, which we send you via email.

      You just have to sign this receipt and send it back to us. Immediately after receiving your signed purchase receipt we send you a fast-transfer with the agreed sum to your bank account.

      In very rare cases it could be that a purchase does not come about, of course we will send you back your Rolex watch insured and for free.

      If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us: +49 9268 / 91 38 64 or leave us a message on info@uhren-miquel.de

      Alternatively, you can use our non-binding purchase form to contact us.

Frank Miquel
It goes without saying that anyone ordering a high-quality product from an online shop needs to able to place absolute trust in the operator of the website. Hence, you may rest assured - my long-standing employees and myself are happy to be at your disposal - by email, telephone or on site in our premises. My team is readily available to our customers at all stages of a purchase, prior and especially also after a purchase. Please do not hesitate to ask us and get all your questions answered before placing an order. We have been looking forward to serving our customers this way for almost 30 years.
We look forward to your call at: +49 9268/913864
Or in writing by e-mail to: info@uhren-miquel.de